Founder's Message

The Most Rev. Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra B. Lal
Vice Chancellor
Naini, Prayagraj

The Education offered at Ford School & College is the blend of high academic standards, spiritual formation & overall personality development which caters to the need of rural and urban children of our country. Since its inception school has made all efforts to maintain academic, athletic, and artistic excellence that will ultimately reflect God's glory and His excellent image in which we are made. The well experienced team of trained teaching and non-teaching staff continue to strive to identify and sharpen the skills and talents of our children in order to produce responsible citizens for our country. School is determined to explore new technology for the classrooms as well as strategies for its best teaching. Our intention is to maintain the essential christian character & integrity of the school. We look forward to inculcate values of excellence, personal responsibility, leadership and service to our children.

The Principal and the staff members have dedicated themselves to serve the nation through this college. The School has a special concern for the poor, orphan, weak and marginalized children so that they may attain good education and be the light to the world. Emphasis for a lush green campus is given so that children may grow in a clean, healthy and eco-friendly environment.

The ultimate motto of our school is that every staff and students should be empowered by the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit.

My heartiest congratulations to the Principal and Staff members of Ford School & College for rendering holistic learning and giving comfort to the learners. I look forward that this college may achieve heights in the days to come. I would like to encourage parents to trust us in this endeavour so that together we may build the future of our children and also of our country.

May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever more. Amen!

Dr. (Mrs.) Sudha Lal
Director, Campus Ministry
Naini, Prayagraj

Greetings in the precious and matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

By virtue of the Ford School's history and focused mission, FSC strives to continue this tradition through the adoption and implementation of holistic educational and institutional goals. FSC as a coeducational institution dedicated to the spirit of its Christian principles and heritage. Our mission is to train boys and girls, through a commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality at various levels. FSC offers students an educational experience that is rigorous, effective, personalized, and rich in cultural diversity.

We give God all the glory for this institution. What a great privilege we have as sons and daughters of the Lord-we can come into His throne room with our needs. We know that we can leave them at His feet because He cares for us and will always answer us in our time of need. We have to trust God, pray about what we want, and believe that He'll do what's best for us at the right time. Stay full of hope and expectation. God's power is limitless , and He'll break-through for you.

May the Lord's presence revolutionize the life of every student, as they become a member of our family and continue to grow.

We greet and bless you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.

Chairperson's Message


Manager's Message


Principal's Message

Mrs. Rajni Singh
Ford School & College
Naini, Prayagraj

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that Ford School & College, Allahabad has created its educational portal and website, which would be a great help for the people to be acquainted with our daily school schedules and events.

We, at Ford School & College are always exploring into the young minds and forever encouraging them to follow the path of righteousness and differentiate right from wrong and to rise above petty differences

We have a mission to provide a comprehensive system of education to important knowledge, to impart human values and develop a sense of self esteem among the students. So that they are useful children of our country, life long learners and good communicators through a challenging curriculum that exhorts students involvement facilitated by knowledgeable and motivating teachers.